
What's Your Relationship with YES?

How frequently is your YES genuine? Not a yes out of duty, not a yes to please others, not a yes to meet societal expectations. But a resounding yes to what aligns with your desires and genuinely reflects how you want to spend your time, and considers YOU first!

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Question 1 of 7

When making decisions in my life, I prioritize:


My own needs and desires. (2)


A mix between my needs and others' needs, but often mine are the runner up. (1)


Other's needs and desires always come first. (0)

Question 2 of 7

How do you typically allocate your free time?



I engage in activities that bring me joy, fulfillment and relaxation. (2)


Sometimes I choose things I want to do, but usually just go along with whatever others in my life want to do- as long as they are happy I can adapt. (1)


What is free time? (0)

Question 3 of 7

 How do you navigate family commitments and dynamics?


Prioritize my needs, while considering family members expectations and needs, and strike plan that honors my own needs + boundaries first and foremost. (2)


Strive for a balance between family expectations and personal needs, but often find that mine are quick to be put on the back burner. (1)


Comply with family expectations even if it conflicts with my needs. (0)

Question 4 of 7

When it comes to diet, exercise and maintaining your physical health, you:


Prioritize my health consistently and daily. (2)


Try to prioritize diet, exercise and activities beneficial to my health, but those often fall to the bottom of my to do list. (1)


Rarely invest time into or consider my physical health a priority. (0)

Question 5 of 7

How do you prioritize your mental health?


Regularly practice self-care, keep tabs on my mood and thoughts, utilize stress management and regularly invest in myself to maintain a healthy mindset! (2)


I try to consider this a priority, but often view other people's mindsets, emotions and preferences as more important than my own. (1)


Tend to prioritize others' needs at the expense of my mental health. (0)

Question 6 of 7

In your work life, you...


Set firm boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance. (2)


Seek a balance between professional and personal priorities but that boundary often gets disrespected or ignored. (1)


Often put work above personal well-being and my relationships. (0)

Question 7 of 7

In your relationships, you...



I choose to invest in individuals who match my energy, hold similar values, and energize/uplift me as a person. I am quick to cut out those who do not help me grow. (2)


Seek a supportive vibe to become my tribe- but I also hang onto relationships I know are unhealthy and are bringing me down. (1)


Sacrifice my happiness for the happiness of others. My goal is to make sure everyone likes me, and is on good terms with me at all times. I also want them to be happy and will do whatever it takes to ensure this. (0)

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