Hi, I'm Alisha

Founder of AKM Coaching


For over a decade, I've served as a licensed therapist, engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds in a variety of settings. I deeply value the experience and expertise I have garnered through my therapeutic work, and from that background I now offer coaching to grow my reach and expand my offerings.

My focus at AKM Coaching is specifically geared toward helping women, like you, who feel stuck in one (or more!) areas of life, and believe you have surrendered your options and influence over your future. Working together, I will help you will discover the tools to reclaim your voice, your confidence and authority over your life.

I know you are ready for this change because you are here, and I am ready to get you there!

You already hold all the power. You just have to unleash it.

Alisha Bowker Mudrock

YouTube Channel is LIVE:

Subscribe and dive into all my past Tuesday Tea interviews + Pilates classes soon to come!


Reach yourĀ potential with Alisha

Find the programs that are right for you.

Digital Self-Led Courses

Dive into accessible and actionable courses that enable you to make meaningful changes at your own pace.

1-on-1 Coaching

Personalized sessions tailored to your unique goals, helping you overcome challenges and step into your full potential.

Group Coaching

Join a community of like-minded women as we embark on transformative group coaching experiences.

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