Are we really hearing + responding to what people are saying, or are we just talking to hear ourselves talk?

Jan 17, 2024

Sip of the Week: Are you actually engaged in conversations or merely adding noise? I do a lot of active listening in my role as a coach and therapist, but I admittedly am not as good at this skill in my personal life. When we are not actually present + listening AND hearing the other person speaking, we lose a lot of the richness that might have been in that interaction. Sometimes we fall into this trap because we believe we know best or already assume what someone has to say. It also might occur when it is a topic we feel passionately about ourselves.But generally when we are not practicing active listening it can lead to miscommunication, frustration, hurt feelings, feeling empty and not getting what you really needed out of the interaction. So let's try on active listening for size, and see where it gets us this week!

Tips to Let it Brew:

  • Practice Mindful Listening: To be fully present in the moment during conversations avoid distractions, maintain eye contact, and give your undivided attention to the speaker.
  • Ask Clarifying Questions: Ask questions that seek clarification and demonstrate genuine interest in the speaker's perspective. Don't be afraid to delve deeper into the content of the conversation to demonstrate active engagement and also helps you gain a comprehensive understanding.
  • Reflective Summarization: Practice summarizing what you've heard periodically during a conversation. This involves paraphrasing the speaker's main points to confirm understanding. This skill not only validates the speaker's feelings but also ensures that you are accurately processing and comprehending the information.

Post-Tea Pursuits: Your challenge this week is to practice active listening in your conversations- specifically with one person in your life. Instead of simply waiting for your turn to speak, focus on truly understanding that person's perspective. Ask open-ended questions, show empathy, and resist the urge to interrupt. Embrace the power of listening deeply before responding. Who is your person, how do you plan to execute this goal? Email me to let me know if you want some accountability!

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