Tuesday Tea with AKM Coaching: Blog Edit

Elevate: CEO Energy Sep 24, 2024

Sip of the Week: An inspiration and entrepreneur, Lanay reminds us that we do not have to do life alone and it is imperative to take care of ourselves on all fronts in order to be successful in our professional hat. She also dishes on how she has remained focused and navigated unexpected...

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Elevate: Mindset Makeover Sep 03, 2024

Sip of the Week: How does it feel to know that often you are your own worst enemy? Often your mindset is what is preventing you from reaching your goals, dreaming bigger, or going after the deepest desires of your heart. While that might be a tough pill to swallow it also is freeing- because...

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Mind + Body: BURNOUT Jun 18, 2024

Sip of the Week: After 10+ years in the ICU Danielle was feeling exhausted both mentally and physically and chose to leave the nursing profession altogether. However, the journey to her burnout was slow and subtle as well as normalized by her work so much it caused her to downplay a...

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Gather Momentum: Sustain Your Journey Jan 30, 2024

Sip of the Week: This month is coming to an end, but you are just getting started on your goals and living out your vision. As you stride into a new week, harness the momentum of your journey thus far. Sustaining new habits and goals requires dedication, but with the power of your community, you...

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It does not have to be perfect, JUST START! Jan 23, 2024

Sip of the Week: Have you felt hung up on taking action over the last week because you are afraid you won't "do it right?" This week, let's embark on a journey of releasing perfectionism, recognizing it not as a flaw but as a unique strength. Embracing imperfection opens the door to authenticity...

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Show up for... YOURSELF! Jan 17, 2024

Sip of the Week: In the hustle and bustle of life, you often forget to extend one of the most precious gifts—kindness—to YOURSELF. You prioritize caring for others, meeting arbitrary deadlines, and making others comfortable, all while neglecting the most important part of this...

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Embrace Your Imperfections Jan 17, 2024

Sip of the Week: You are not perfect! I know that we "know" this, but do we really KNOW this? We spend a lot of energy on the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, but are left empty + drained because this is an unattainable goal. So we need to accept and dare I say celebrate our imperfections....

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Are we really hearing + responding to what people are saying, or are we just talking to hear ourselves talk? Jan 17, 2024

Sip of the Week: Are you actually engaged in conversations or merely adding noise? I do a lot of active listening in my role as a coach and therapist, but I admittedly am not as good at this skill in my personal life. When we are not actually present + listening AND hearing the other person...

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