Elevate: Mindset Makeover

Sep 03, 2024

Sip of the Week: How does it feel to know that often you are your own worst enemy? Often your mindset is what is preventing you from reaching your goals, dreaming bigger, or going after the deepest desires of your heart. While that might be a tough pill to swallow it also is freeing- because it means you can do something about it!! Tune in as this weeks guest gives us all the tools we need to begin to elevate our mindset and shift into recognizing and chasing after our full potential. 

Let it Brew: Elevating your mindset is all about shifting your thoughts to align with your highest potential. It’s recognizing that you have the power to rewrite the narrative you tell yourself every day. By cultivating a growth mindset, you open the door to endless possibilities, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. It’s not just about thinking positively; it’s about consciously choosing thoughts that empower you, even in the face of adversity.

Post-Tea Pursuits: This week, practice catching any limiting beliefs as they arise. When you notice a thought that doesn’t serve you, pause, and reframe it into something that aligns with your elevated mindset. For example, if you catch yourself thinking, "I can’t do this," flip it to, "I’m learning, I don't have to have it perfect today." Find a way to track these mindset shifts daily and observe how your perspective begins to change over time.

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