Embrace the Summer Glow: Dewy Discoveries

Aug 20, 2024

Sip of the Week: Wow- 39 min FLEW by dishing today's tea with Nora... you do not want to skip this one! She gives great insight into considering what one or two values are at the top of your list, and what it feels and looks like to be living both in and out of alignment. We also dive into a conversation about rejecting and throwing out values that have been imposed upon us or are no longer serving us and acknowledging that we need to be in control of our own life in order to be moving towards our end game. Do not give that power away to others! Listen in below for all the good stuff.

Let it Brew: Living in alignment means making choices that resonate with your core values and true self. When you’re in alignment, life feels more fluid, your actions are purposeful, and you experience a deeper sense of fulfillment. It’s about letting go of external expectations and tuning into what truly matters to you. Living in alignment isn’t always easy, but it’s where authentic growth and lasting happiness begin.

Post-Tea Pursuits: This week, take a moment to reflect on your daily actions and decisions. Identify one area where you might be living outside of your core values. Commit to making one change that brings you closer to living in harmony with your true self. Whether it’s setting boundaries, making a choice that feels right in your gut, or saying "no" to something that doesn’t serve you, take a step toward alignment.

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