Show up for... YOURSELF!

Jan 17, 2024

Sip of the Week: In the hustle and bustle of life, you often forget to extend one of the most precious gifts—kindness—to YOURSELF. You prioritize caring for others, meeting arbitrary deadlines, and making others comfortable, all while neglecting the most important part of this equation- YOU. I think we are so resistant to self-kindness because we have been taught it is selfish but newsflash- IT IS NOT! It's a fundamental aspect of self-care and personal growth. When we treat ourselves with kindness, we nurture our emotional well-being, boost our self-esteem, and cultivate inner resilience. It's the foundation upon which all of this empowerment work is built.

Tips to Let it Brew:

  • Mental Well-being: Self-kindness is crucial for maintaining good mental health. Treating yourself with compassion and understanding reduces stress, anxiety, and self-criticism. It fosters a positive internal dialogue, contributing to improved emotional well-being and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Improved Relationships: Practicing self-kindness positively impacts your relationships with others. When you treat ourselves with respect and empathy, you are better equipped to extend these qualities to those around you. Healthy self-compassion creates a foundation for more meaningful and supportive connections with friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Enhanced Productivity and Performance: Being kind to yourself doesn't mean avoiding challenges or settling for mediocrity. On the contrary, it involves acknowledging your efforts and achievements, fostering a sense of motivation and self-worth. This positive mindset can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and overall better performance in various aspects of life.

Post-Tea Pursuits:  This week I challenge you to embark on a journey of self-kindness. It starts with a small act of compassion each day, directed towards yourself. Your options include:

  • Stand in front of the mirror each morning and repeat "I am worthy of love and kindness" (or your own mantra!) for one week.
  • Each day this week spend time writing down one thing you love about yourself, or an accomplishment, both big and small. 
  • Write a letter to yourself as if you were writing to a loved one. Include words of encouragement, understanding and love. Then read that letter back to yourself as if it came from a trusted loved one.

Claim your FREE gift here: Affirmations to Unleash your 2024 Bad A$$!

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