The Self LOVE Shift
Feb 11, 2025
Sip of the Week: This week Ashley and I had a heart-to-heart about self-compassion—the art of showing ourselves the same kindness we so easily extend to others. We talked about letting go of the "shoulds" that weigh us down, the power of grace in moments of struggle, and why being gentle with ourselves isn’t weakness—it’s essential. Because the truth is, the more compassion we show ourselves, the more connected we feel to ourselves and to those around us. Listen now!
Let it Brew: So often, we hold ourselves to impossible standards, measuring success by productivity, perfection, or how well we meet external expectations. But what if, instead of shoulding ourselves into burnout, we shifted our inner dialogue? What if "I should be further along" became "I am exactly where I need to be"? What if "I should have done better" became "I did my best with what I had"? Self-compassion isn’t about ignoring growth—it’s about creating an environment where growth can actually happen. When we speak to ourselves with patience and encouragement, we build the resilience to keep going, not from fear, but from self-trust.
Post-Tea Pursuits: This week I challenge you the following- Every time you catch yourself saying I should…, pause and reframe it with I get to… or I am choosing to…. Notice how shifting the language changes the energy behind your actions. Or if it is about the past I should have... replace it with I could have... This is the first step toward meeting yourself from a place of grace instead of judgement. Let me know how it changes things!
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